After several years of pondering, learning, deciding, gathering the right support and technical knowledge, my new website has arrived, finally!
Happily, I am announcing, introducing, launching, revealing and setting forth into motion, my website, While the name stays the same, my new site offers brand-new ways that I can help you “Live Like You Can!” YOU being the most essential word in my website name.
Wearing my fitness trainer hat meant instructing and prescribing a plan to show people how to get what they want. Clients had the questions and I had the answers. My love of helping people get stronger and feel better has been and will always be the driving force in my life.
Adding the wellness coaching hat to my toolbox has changed how I interact with all my clients. As a coach, my clients have the answers (even if they need to be discovered) and I have the questions.
People in life transition, having “aha” moments about their bodies, possibly suffering from a loss of freedom or coming to terms with aging may need a little support to discover “what’s next.”
The coaching process helps people who feel stuck find the answers to such questions as:
“What do I want now?” “What do I need now?” What do I accept now?” What can I change now?” “Most importantly, WHY?”
Discovering your Personal Why becomes the force used to keep motivated, energized, focused and determined to make your dreams come true.
I love to think about the coaching relationship like a garden. As a coach, I am the rich soil of possibilities, asking thoughtful questions, reflecting back what I think I hear, acknowledging your successes. planning strategies to overcome challenges and keeping you up to date with your goals.
Client goals are grown from the seeds of desire to feel better and be better. While each plant is different, all plants need rain, sun, water, fertilizer and care. However, the perfect formula for growth is always discovered by the gardener (the client).
As a coach, I will support you as you dream, discover then design your personal garden, guiding your actions or non-actions on your journey. (Even when you want to yank on the plants to force growth.) I will encourage you to be patient, wait for the rain, feed your plants (goals) and stay on the path of action.
Sometimes everyone needs a little help. Live Like You Can Wellness Coaching is about you and your journey. Please get in touch if you have thoughts or questions. Lastly, I ask my faithful followers to pass on my blog and website to friends who might be interested. Thank you so much.