“Yes, but I feel really motivated to give myself some quiet time before I rush off to work.” This year I will not be writing my usual first of the year “resolutions.” Instead I have turned my thoughts and energy towards setting “intentions” for the coming year. After closely examining the word resolution, I have decided that it sounds hard, tough and has a little taste of the “I should” quietly whispering in the background.
Resolutions I forget or want to forget before the lst of February, yet the word intention has the feel of energy and forward movement with an unending feeling of freedom. Freedom to move as fast or slow as I choose, depending on what the next year brings to me.
Remarkably, with each passing year, I am finding the substance of my “intentions” to be slowly changing. Now the thought of making a resolution about “making more money, getting organized, decluttering, getting out more, losing weight, exercising harder, working less, traveling more and staying forever young” are all left behind to the years past, as I set my new intentions for 2014.
Letting go of the old drivers and replacing them with current 6th decade intentions feels so right. The intentional words that appear in my mind are kind, simple, soft, accepting, willingness and more laughter. (I will watch the entire series of I Love Lucy this year!)
While I am not sure of where these intentions will take me, I do know they feel so easy and authentic. Instead of making goals, rules and plans, I am going to place my energy into ways of being.
So I release all past resolutions to the years they were made and forgotten, and I place my intentions for the coming year as a beacon and guiding light (may it burn very bright no matter what happens) for 2014.
If you feel moved to share your thoughts about the upcoming year, I would be thrilled to continue this conversation. Do you feel a different focus and energy for the next year? Would love to hear!
Happy New Year and Feliz Ano Nuevo to all of my friends, family and followers.