Question Marks Over Man Shows Confusion And UncertaintyNow that my Professional Coaching Course is almost over, I am on a journey of investigation to discover what Boomers and Beyonders are thinking, needing and wanting.

After some discussion with a few people, I realized that Boomers and Beyonders are two different demographics. In fact, while Boomers can be as young as 50, Beyonders can range from 66 and up (way up). Have I mistakenly lumped these two groups of people together?

What I have learned so far is I need better questions to illicit thoughts of “what’s next” or more precisely, “what now?”

Here are some of the answers I have heard lately, which ones do you relate to?

“When I hear the word goals, I shrink and want to scream, no more goals.  I have accomplished what I wanted to and now I can rest.”


“I am no longer surprised by anything.”

“I no longer want anything.”

“Now that my career is over, I just want to continue what I am doing until the end. It’s a great life.”

“Yes, what’s next? I am open to the possibilities now that I have time.”91-pack3-021514-tm

“I want to continue learning every day until the very end.”

“Gosh, I don’t want to live until 80.”

“Yes, I do want some things, but I am not sure I have enough energy to pursue them.”

Isn’t it a question of deciding what you want the rest of your life and what you would like it to look like?  Next, figuring out, just what to do in order to make it so?

Isn’t the answer to dream and discover what now, so we can do the things that will support our older aging desires?  Things like exercise, eat good food, rest, stay active, connection, courage and curosity.

I believe it always comes back to the question, what do you want your life to look like as you age?

Followed by the big question, why do I want my life to look like that as I age?

So here’s my quandary, do we lose our dreams, motivations and spark then lose the desire to stay strong, fit, flexible, healthy? Or do we lose our physical strength and energy then lose our motivation to explore new things?

Is it the chicken or the egg question?39-1013tm-char

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