“Coaching & Fitness Training Really Got the Ball Rolling!”
I started working out with Janis to lose weight and feel better. We trained on the Power Plate, Elliptical Trainer and Weights. At some point, we decided to add coaching to my program. I had been stuck for a long time trying to get a business going. She gave my little weekly projects to do. In essence she broke down something that had been overwhelming and paralyzing into smaller achievable goals.
With the success I felt accomplishing each step and the foundation they built things started to move. I soon had my business plan, a punch list of what to do and very quickly realized my dream of having my own restaurant.
In summary:
- Janis helped me break down something complicated into logical achievable short-term projects.
- She gave me someone to be accountable to, I needed to report in each week on how I did.
- She supported me giving me encouragement and cared very much about me as a person.
- My success working with her built my confidence a led to continued successes.
- Without the help of Janis I am not sure I would finally be the owner of my own restaurant and living my dream.