April Women’s Meeting
“What Do I Want?”
April 30, 10:30 – 12:00noon
April is here and it’s time for our next Women’s Meeting at Janis’ Gym, Calzada de la Aurora l9A, big red metal door. Please bring yourself and any women friends you feel would connect with our powerful and insightful group.

February Women’s Meeting
Feb. 27th, l0:30-12:00.
Location: Calzada de la Aurora l9A, big red metal door. Look for the red string outside, pull it to come in.
The suggestion for a topic to discuss and ponder on over the next 2 weeks will be:
What habits now support you and help you find your center, rebalancing you when life gives surprises? These may be tools that we used in the past, knowing they work and all you have to do is remember to pick them up and use them.
Possibly some of your habits are not as supportive as you would like or no longer work for you as they did in the past.
Come and discuss with our warm, wonderful group of women.
Bring open hearts, open minds and thoughts you would like to share.
Invite any of your women friends that might resonant with our group.
Managing Grief
Safety With Horses
After creating my ranch life, “Living with Horses,” I dreamed of connecting my two passions (horses and workshops) to be able to offer an empowering experience for women. The answer came when I met Marti McGinnis, Equine Assisted Learning Facilitator during a time of increasing concerns about safety in our community, which elevated our levels of fear (past, present and future). Marti and I agreed we wanted to offer a one-day experience to help women in the community feel safer.
Using horses helps facilitate personal empowerment for a variety of reasons. Among these are a seemingly innate and profound ability of the horse to ‘know’ what a person needs to experience in a safe and guided activity. Being in their presence can inspire new thinking and self-confidence. Being with them can help people breakthrough old fears and grow into new ideas about personal safety.
Equine Assisted Learning uses horses’ natural abilities to react to physical and emotional manifestations of fears and other unhealthy thought patterns under safe and fun conditions that naturally create powerful experiences for the human participants. Being in their presence is calming for most people, and getting a chance to interact with them as equals is inspirational and empowering.
Most importantly, horses mirror human body language. The lesson found here is when you change yourself, the horses will change their response. Horses are honest, which makes them especially powerful messengers of how you are seen. Using this information, you will be able to change how you are perceived by the public increasing your personal safety.
After a locally sourced organic lunch we’ll revisit our discussion and deepen our understanding of the information being with horses has given us; using this as the basis for a creative project designed to synthesize new thinking into a beautiful, physical reminder of the day’s inspirations. The workshop will end with real information on “how to stay safe.”
We will hold this workshop at Rancho Waena, San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico, $125 or 2000 pesos, and includes lunch. Our day starts off with a “surprise” first step to help you arrive at my ranch. Email if you are interested in learning more! janis@livelikeyoucan.com or through my website: www.livelikeyoucan.com