When thinking of a telescope, I think of looking closely and deeply in the direction I am looking in order to see more. I also like to use this idea of looking closely and directly in the direction I am going to see where I might end up.
The analogy of the telescope has helped my clients take a pause (stop, look, listen) then look ahead before making a decision, agreeing to a commitment or designing a personal goal/vision.
Telescoping is helpful to predict obstacles that might lie ahead and get in your way as you move forward. While coaching a client, the first step we take after identifying goals/visions is to look for the obstacles. Once you discover all the obstacles you can think of, it’s time for planning strategies.
Here are a few strategies that I found helpful when obstacles appear (and they will, especially when you are making a change!)
GOING AROUND. In other words, instead of barging through the barrier or person, would it be possible to simple let that obstacles be there while you change your focus/mind/direction slightly to you can keep moving in a forward direction? I think of acting like a river…taking the path of least resistance…and still arriving.
MAKING A U TURN. Change your mind! Yikes, I know that is hard to do (i.e. saying no after you said yes). How about completely changing your thought process and thinking the opposite. Try it with just one issue that has been bothering you…think the opposite. For me, I find it absolutely shocking.
TAKE ANOTHER PATH. To me, this means changing my focus 10 degrees and seeing a whole new picture. Sometimes the tendency to keep doing what we always have done, going in the same direction a we always have gone, can actually become uncomfortable. So, turn your eyes to the right or left or better yet, widen your focus to take in a bigger picture. I find it amazing what I might be missing.
However, let me leave you with another option….
In fact, while some people say this is denial, I have witnessed incredible movement in non-movement. I call this “the pot simmering on the back burner of life.
Let’s continue this dialog. Would love to hear how you felt, what you are thinking and what you could add to the conversation.
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan FreeDigitalPhotos.net