Let’s say you have decided to find out more about Lifestyle Coaching/Fitness Training and how it can help you. First, I would recommend taking the Character Strengths Profile Test (www.viame.org) and bringing the results to your first meeting with a coach.
This very powerful tool helps bring focus and clarity to the coaching experience. The free profile will identify your top character strengths and values which are vital for discovering what’s important to you now, why now, what drives you and how you will get there. You will plan your future vision clearly and congruently by using your strengths and values to keep you in alignment with who you truly are.
The harmony and clearness you use based self-knowledge is key to reaching your personal goals. When the going gets tough, you will call on your known strengths to keep you going or to get you back on your feet after facing challenges and barriers.
When I took this test during my coaching certification, I discovered my top 5 strengths and values. The results surprise me at first, then as I remembered my life and how I have arrived here today, I realized “yes” this is definitely what motivates me and gives me the framework for my decision-making.
When I make decisions that are not based on my true values, discomfort always follows. Sometimes confusion and anxiety continue until I remember who I am, and make another decision. Once I feel serenity and calmness, I know I am on my personal path living with congruency with who I am.
Since my early 30’s, I have been on a personal path of discovery to understand myself completely. During this long path, I have been helped by many people that have encouraged me not to give up and to embrace it all.
Remembering to remember takes willingness and support from others. Here is one of my favorite quotes, “An unexamined life is not worth living as a human being.” (http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Socrates).
I wish for you to take the Strengths and Values Free Test (www.viame.org) as you continue on your journey of self-discovery.