I taught exercise in a Navy Gym.
I taught exercise before records and aerobic shoes.
I taught exercise before “group fitness specialists.”
I taught exercise before personal trainers existed.
I taught exercise long before I knew it was possible to make a living at it.
Today, I still teach exercise, driven by the same passion for helping people feel better that has always been alive for me.
Exercise is fun, involves lots of people and for over 40 years, I have witnessed how it changes people physically, emotionally and mentally.
During my career, I can point to several quantum leaps that changed my classes and me forever.
Let’s start with the first 10 years.
Before Records…I would just yell out instructions and count. Nowadays, it’s called boot camp.
Experiencing how powerful women supporting women can be.
Teaching to music….Speed control on the record player changed my life.
Learning it was better to count to 8 than 10, (thanks to the ex-Punahou Band Director who enlightened me regarding music beats).
Creating Walking Aerobics (thanks to my older friend who couldn’t jump around), now called Low impact.
Learning how calling a class, Sports conditioning, would bring men into classes for the first time.
Trying out Dr. Ken Cooper’s system of performing aerobics for a minimum of 12 minutes (previously aerobics lasted 3 minutes) and witnessing my first class strike.
Discovering the importance of developing strength and adding bicycle tubing for resistance training. (The guys had such a hard time with bare legs).
Learning how to put records on to cassette tapes.
We came a long way in the first 10 years., fitness was no longer a fad and growing by leaps.
So here I am, 43 years later, still doing what I love while fulfilling my grandest desire of helping people feel better.
Merry Fitness To All and To All Goodnight.