The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the effect of a 24 week period of Power Plate training with resistance training on bone mineral density, muscle strength and postural control. 90 postmenopausal women participated in this study. The Power Plate performed static and dynamic exercises for the upper leg and hip area, such as squats (one of the movements that allows you to sit down and stand up in a chair) and lunges, three times a week. The resistance group performed weight training for about one hour three times a week.
The dynamic and isometric strength of the knee extensors significantly increased in both the Power Plate (respectively +16% and +15%) as the resistance group (respectively +10% and +16%). No significant difference was seen in the control group. The bone density at the hip increase by +0.93% in the Power Plate group, while the resistance and the control groups showed a decrease of respectively -0.51% and -0.62%.
Conclusion: Power Plate training is a feasible and effective way to modify well-recognized risk factors for falls and fractures in older women. Power Plate training resulted in a 1,5% net improvement compared with the resistance and control group in bone density in the hip.