Skype Coaching Was Just the Thing for Me! Tammy S.

Tammy Slayton
Janis has a special way of encouraging and motivating a person to achieve their own personal goals, body and soul. She taught me how to take steps, not leaps to move towards my desires of well-being, to better myself in this thing called Life. So happy I decided to coach long distance with Janis!
“Sometimes We’re So Stubborn, We Can’t Even Tell Ourselves What To Do” Betsy L.
Almost nobody likes to be told what to do, especially when it comes to changing long-lived habits, thought patterns, lifestyle changes and really much of anything for that matter. Sometimes we’re so stubborn we can’t even tell ourselves what to do.
That’s why I appreciate coaching so much. Your coach is there to do just that, coach. She’s not there to tell you what to do or to prescribe your next move. She’s there to provoke. To allow you the space and freedom to ask yourself the right questions, consider your surface response, dig a little deeper to something below your conscious thoughts and set a self-designed course that feels right for you.
Janis has been my coach for about two years and I remain excited about walking this journey with her. Currently I am being challenged by the Am I Hungry?Program. This is a whole new ball game and has rocked my world.
Before Coaching, Life Was Living Me; Now I Am Living My Life! Judy O.
Coaching with Janis has brought so many changes. My life moved me away from couch potato-ism and being a hermit to stepping out into the world. My life now has included an African safari, trips to Umbria, Tuscany, Rome, Bosnia and Sarajevo. This year brings me to Sicily.My decision to take Janis’ Coaching and Fitness Package helped me discover the new way I wanted to live. Janis became my weekly guide, support system and accountability partner as well as my trainer, helping me create and keep my strength and stamina to live my vision. The process has opened my heart to joy and gratitude and I’m feeling much more energetic and positive about my life. You are part of my gratitude journal daily.
“When I Go Back To The States, My Coach Comes With Me” Elizabeth L.

Janis is one of a kind! She has been a life coach for me and my teenage girls. She has helped educate all of us about physical and emotional fitness. She customizes her approach to each person. She is realistic in the customized program development and stays with you through the implementation process. She inspires and encourages both in her gym and remotely via technology.
Elizabeth O. Lowrey
Wellness visions encompass the “Whole You” Karen M.

I started my journey with Janis on February 2, 2012. At the time I was facing many challenges in my life, to include the death of my Father and a pending divorce. I wasn’t sure I needed or wanted a Wellness coach, as having a coach would surely mean I would have to dive into the challenges .
After meeting with Janis, I could tell she had a genuine interest in helping people find their wellness vision. You see a wellness vision is not necessarily becoming thin, as I previous thought, a wellness vision encompasses the “Whole You”.
Janis helped me dig deep and create a wellness vision that suited me, not her. I set weekly goals and began to see results. As the time as gone on, I continue to remain focused on my wellness vision as well as my weekly goals.
As a result of coaching, I no longer cry when talking about my dad, I have conquered the pending divorce and not looking back, I have run my first, of many, 5K races, I have lost 24 lbs., but the greatest experience of coaching is knowing that I am setting realistic achievable goals which are making a difference in my life.
Words that come to mind include, confidence, courage, strength, patience, and conquering fear, setting a future vision and taking small steps to achieve that vision. In other words, I am “In Charge” of my vision!! I smile a lot more know, my life has truly changed, Thanks Janis!!
So happy to have made the decision to choose Janis’ Coaching and Fitness Training Combo! Jude C.
With Janis’ guidance, I created a vision for my body, life and spirit.
First, I watched my body slim down, become more powerful and toned. I experienced a profound expansion in my ability to set and meet goals on a day to day basis.
Using the new tools I learned in coaching, I created “Just Soup,” San Miguel’s premier homemade soup business.
“Coaching & Fitness Training Really Got the Ball Rolling!” Bob R.
I started working out with Janis to lose weight and feel better. We trained on the Power Plate, Elliptical Trainer and Weights. At some point, we decided to add coaching to my program. I had been stuck for a long time trying to get a business going. She gave my little weekly projects to do. In essence she broke down something that had been overwhelming and paralyzing into smaller achievable goals.
With the success I felt accomplishing each step and the foundation they built things started to move. I soon had my business plan, a punch list of what to do and very quickly realized my dream of having my own restaurant.
In summary:
- Janis helped me break down something complicated into logical achievable short-term projects.
- She gave me someone to be accountable to, I needed to report in each week on how I did.
- She supported me giving me encouragement and cared very much about me as a person.
- My success working with her built my confidence a led to continued successes.
- Without the help of Janis I am not sure I would finally be the owner of my own restaurant and living my dream.