Upcoming Two Day Workshop for Women
2016 Schedule is coming soon, email for more info!
Followed by 3 months of weekly phone/skype coaching calls
(You do not need to be a full-time resident)
Thank you for your interest in our workshop. It’s for motivated women who want to create a Third Act that fulfills their dreams and realizes their potential. We want to help you on your journey.
Workshop Content
In Day One of the workshop you will work with other women, learn about their lives and share your own. You will also take a look at your life right now, identify parts you want to change and why, then create the vision for your future. By the end of Day One you will know what you want to work on and why it is important to you.
Day Two focuses on taking action and maximizing your success. First, you will define what you need in order to get ready for the trip. For example, you may decide to learn new skills, build a strong support group or change your lifestyle. We will begin the coaching process, illustrating how it will support your staying on track. You will learn how to set up achievable goals and monitor your progress along the way. A critical part of the way we work is through follow-up group coaching sessions after the workshop.
Follow-up Group Coaching
After the workshop, there will be weekly sessions of approximately one hour when you can celebrate success, get help from your peers and support others. These sessions will be by teleconference with dial-in numbers from wherever you are. Workshop facilitators will also be available by email, whenever you need help.
Workshop Facilitators
Janis McDonald began her career in the fitness and coaching business over 40 years ago, helping thousands of people discover how to be stronger, healthier and wiser about their choices in life. She has emphasized balancing emotional, mental, spiritual needs while discovering and creating the strongest, healthiest physical base possible. Most of all, she has enjoyed a lifetime of helping people feel better.
Mary Murrell began to design her Third Act after retiring to beautiful San Miguel where she has lived for the past 14 years. She has always been interested in how change can be nurtured with individuals and organizations. Her background includes university teaching, business management and executive coaching for major corporations.
Participant Comments About the Workshop
The most valuable part for me was to be completely honest with such an amazing group of women and to come away with purposeful goals for the future.
At our final meeting it was so fun to hear about everyone’s progress and projects and how goals were reached and some changed and some new ideas. All of this activity thanks to the stellar leadership of you and Mary. The two of you are dynamite together.
The sequential movement of the two days was interesting and brought to light ideas and feelings I really had not thought about before. I appreciated discovering aspects of my life that could use some change and the program gently led me there.
We came together as strangers, but within a few hours we were opening up, sharing personal issues and helping one another to make positive changes.
The printed materials we used were excellent and well organized. I also enjoyed the times we spent one-on-one with a fellow participant using the workbook to help us with the task we had been given to complete.
The time away from life’s tasks to concentrate on setting goals for a positive future was very important. The single most meaningful activity for me was the meditation period when we were guided through a conversation with ourselves about the future.

People who participated in the 2014 Workshop
Jana Goncharoff, Mary Murrell, Jane Sallis, Janis McDonald,
Judy Barrett, Linda Campbell
Fee for Workshop and Group Coaching Includes:
Screening interview to make sure this is a good fit for you
Two Day Workshop with one full day in Centro at a private home with a Parroquia view and the second full day at a beautiful ranch in the country outside San Miguel
12 Weekly group coaching sessions by telephone for one hour
Consultations with Janis and Mary via email as needed
Workshop is limited to a small group of women who are ready to explore what’s next!
Total Cost is $250 US or Peso Equivalent
For More Information- Please fill out the form below and Janis or Mary will contact you soon.
[contact-form-7 id=”5867″ title=”Designing Your Third Act”]